Monday, November 3, 2008


It seems October always gets a little crazy around our house. Not just because of Halloween, but because it is Max's birthday. Yes, my little guy turned six years old. He is full of spunk, rascal, and just plain moo!! He has definitely come along way since the day he was born. As per Max's request we had a Halloween party full of all things scary. We decorated the house with spiderwebs, rats, skulls, tombstones, and witches brew. We bobbed for apples, ate pizza, and played ghost in the graveyard. I think it was a roaring success. Max is already planning his next party. I used to not care for Halloween, but having kids and especially one with a birthday in October makes for a fun holiday.

Just as we recovered from that it was time to go trick-or-treating. I am sure anyone who lives close by must agree it was probably the most perfect Halloween night. Our neighborhood is so fun to roam around. People do homemade scones, doughnuts, and hot chocolate. One guy hooks up his four wheeler to a big flatbed trailer and gives kids rides from house to house. Max (because he was a pirate skeleton from The Pirates of the Caribbean) decided to kibosh the traditional trick-or-treat and instead said,"Hello Poppet". Zac had his first official trick-or-treating with only friends. He and a few of his friends hit several houses I think more than once. We gave him my cell phone so he could call us if there was a problem. I'm not sure what he was more excited for, the candy or the cell. At one point he ran into us and told us he had been trying to call us but the phone wasn't working. When I went to figure it out he suddenly realized that he had been calling my phone number not Byron's. It's the little things that make the difference. I wonder how I ever managed to trick-or-treat safely without a cell phone.

After the kids were all done we took them over to my sisters house to sleep (thanks Emily&Ryan). Byron and I dressed up and went to a masquerade ball. It was a party being thrown by a guy Byron works with. It was a great excuse to get dressed up in a ball gown (thanks mom it was a big hit) and have some fun. Not a bad way to wrap up the month of October. Now the pumpkins have gone rotten and the spiderwebs are gone, and I wonder if November will bring snow on my lawn!


Amber said...

WOW! What a great October. Max's birthday party looks like a huge success. Jared had a great time. Their costumes look great. And you and Byron look fantastic. What fun! Way to go, being a fun mom!

emily said...

Well, I guess your question about snow has been answered. I love all the pictures of Max for his birthday. What a cute little guy. We love that kid. Tell him happy birthday again for us. What a great party. Zac costume was GREAT! I love that. Well, another year gone by...I'm telling you bring on the Geritol.

Nana said...

Wonderful pictures and what fun was had by all. Max is my sweet birthday boy...he really has come a long way from when he was born. We are all so grateful for the Moo Man.