Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Any Ideas?

Here I am making my monthly post, and what I need is a little help. I am trying to plan Max's birthday party. He wants a Halloween costume party. He also has informed me that he wants it at night about a thousand times. So I am wondering if all of you out there could give me some ideas of things I could do at the party. Max loves scary things, but I know that some of the little guys coming may not like it as much. So I am trying to think of things that might fall somewhere in the middle. So please chime in and let me hear your ideas!


Trevor and Brooke said...

The classic bobbing for apples.

Trying to eat a donought off of a string while blindfolded and no hands allowed.
I know, not scary, but fun and pretty easy.
If I think of anything, I'll let you know.

Nana said...

How about a Spook Alley. It may take a little planning but you could have it in your basement. Eyeballs..peeled grapes. Intestines..spagetti. Zak would be a great dead person come to life. You and Byron could dress up scary and join in. I had one of those for my birthday one year, and loved it. Pull your resources you have so many. I'm sure your family would love to help. Then follow with what Brooke wrote.