O.K. I know that I have been awful this summer at keeping up with my blog. I don't have that great of an excuse, except that we were busy and having fun. So now that it is turning into Fall (yeah for Fall weather)! I thought I would give you all a summer in review. The biggest project we took on this summer was landscaping our yard. We had a ton of overgrown trees and bushes in our yard and we decided to tear them all out. We figured since we were hiring someone that it would be an easy job. We were sorely mistaken! It was a constant battle to get them to do what we wanted. I was nervous to leave my house when they were here because whenever I did I would come ba
Aside from that, here is a list of things we did this summer.
13 concerts (including a music festival in Jackson Hole, Wyoming)
4 trips: Las Vegas, canoeing down the Green River, Jackson Hole, and a weekend in Park City
1 family reunion
2 summer school classes for the boys
8 Tee-ball games for Max
Endless swimming and piano lessons
And probably other things that I have already forgotten about!
Now we are back into the swing of things with school. Zac is loving his teacher and Max just started his first day of Kindergarten. When I asked how it was he said, "Not fun, we didn't practice our numbers and letters. And the teacher kept yelling at me." I asked why she was yelling at him and he said, "Because I wasn't listening to her and I kept messing around." Yep that will do it. This could be an interesting year for him!
Heather--I started reading your post and then did a major double take! I could've SWORN I was reading something I'd written myself...er, COULD'VE written myself. Holy cow, we've had the same summer!! We hired a crew to put in a sport court, sink the tramp, do some retaining, etc. etc. and it will go down as the WORST most stressful thing we've done in a long while. A 7-10 day project took from June till September and my blood pressure rose every time their truck pulled into my driveway. I wanted them to come so desparately but was scared to death when they showed because I had to babysit them! :) So much for "hiring it done," eh?? Well, if misery really does love company, our families can be fast friends! But, the finished product is beautiful. Good Job!
I love the post. Max kills me. He is sooo funny. Kate love the park in your backyard and wishes that she really was a Bankhead and just lived at your house more than she already does. Thanks for letting her live there as much as she does. You are making me feel bad that I haven't posted in forever, but I don't have anything worth posting. Love the pics.
Yea! Finally you up dated you blog! Your back yard is beautiful. I'm glad that Zac likes his teacher, that makes a big difference. When I asked Max if he was liking school he said:"Not really." New experience for your little tornado! He has to be quite and still...we may be in trouble!
Max is so funny! You may get to know the teacher a little better than most. Caden loved playing over there the other day. We'll have to get together soon!
Your backyard looks awesome! I love that swingset! The best thing about it is, it's not wood! That means no staining, or serious upkeep. That is the biggest regret of mine. Ours looks like crap because we don't stain it and it is starting to warp. Oh well, live and learn! Looking forward to another girls night!
We may not have that responsibility-free stretch of months, like we did in grade school. But that doesn't mean we can't have as much fun.So ditch your sensible shoes and that usual to-do list of lunch meetings and laundry. We've come up with your new-and-improved list of things you should do this summer.
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