Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Tin Man

Zac has officially entered the world of braces. He spent an hour and a half at the orthodontist getting impressions, brackets, bands, and other metal trinkets in his mouth all for the pursuit of straight teeth. This is step one in a multiple step process. He had three put on his lower front teeth. He is excited and even spent a good 15 minutes last night brushing, flossing, and rinsing.


emily said...

Nice Z Man!! I love them. Marshall will love the company. Hope you get used to them quickly.

Trevor and Brooke said...

Braces always seem so cool in the begining and then they just get annoying. He looks great!

Craig and Jessica Smith said...

So Heather, does he have your teeth or Byron's? If he has yours, just don't tell him how long you had your braces for! Blake is about to go for his consultation, so we will be right there with you guys! I am ready for a girl's night out, seeing as I have missed the last two. Let's plan it soon!

Nana said...

What a cute little face. I'm proud of you Zach. However, I don't think you can count on that brush and floss thing for very long.

Kristen said...

Hey Heather it's Kristen Eddington. It was so fun running into you and your mama the other day! I remember the days of braces! I started in fourth grade and was done in eighth grade! Tell Zac to hang in there! :)

Ashley said...

Hey Heather and Byron! Byron- wanted to thank you for the drugs. :) Seriously- the epideral was awesome. Guess you came by after the delivery, but we were all zonked. I really appreciate the expertise. Hopefully we will see you guys soon.