When the five dogs surrounding our house bark at 1:oo in the morning-*57 them.
When our neighbor decides to mow his lawn at 11:00 at night-*57 him.
When our neighbors choose to leave every light on in their house all night long-*57 them.
When you get the clerk in the grocery store who is both slow and chatty-*57 her.
When your kids ask you a question and then don't actually listen to the answer so they ask the question again two seconds later-*57 them.
When your kids choose to have a meltdown at the most inopportune moment-*57 them.
When your kids sneak a box of cheez it's upstairs and eat the whole box five minutes before dinner-*57 them.
Actually, I've been toying with the idea of starting a fad. Instead of the action of putting up your hand and saying "Talk to the Hand", next time my kids do something outrageous I'm going to pull out my pretend hand phone and start dialing *57. Or I might get the term going around "Don't make me *57 you"! I think I'll try these out for awhile and I'll let you know which one seems to get the best reaction.
So, as you can see there are many uses for an annoyance bureau. It did make me wonder what other kind of bureaus do these companies have they are not telling us about. Because it seems like whenever I call a company I get the "I don't really know what I'm doing, so I will probably be of no help to you" bureau!
It sounds so easy, but have the calls stopped? Sounds like something a customer service representative would make up . . .
i love it!
*57 is my new phrase.
i'll be using it all the time now. :)
hey, it would actually be nice to have a *57 stamp. you could use it kind of like a branding iron.
just a thought.
The bureau really exists. I even talked to someone from there. It turns out it is not just for random beeps, but also for life threatening and should I say "scandalous" type phone calls. I finally got a chance to *57 a couple of days ago, and so far no beeps. But if I do get another one would I be able to *57 the annoyance bureau for not solving my problem? Hmmmmm.
Heather, I kid you not I am crying I am laughing so hard. You really are the funny one. Can you *57 food after you eat it and then the calories don't count, because if you can I am all over that!! I am going to *57 my kids tomorrow for sure, you started a new fad, how cool are you.
P.S. do you promis not to *57 my number the next time I call you, I will try not to be so "scandalous" next time I talk to you I promise!
Someone deleted a comment again!! I would totally *57 them!! You hate that! Who are you, who are you that deleted your comment, Heather hates that she can't sleep at night knowing that someone was going to make a comment and then didn't. SHOW YOURSELF!!
Emily the deleted item was from me!But it was Heather that *57ed me!!
Love the idea. So is it working? You had told me about the problem. Hope you are no longer getting the middle of the night beeps!
Hi, I don't mind you using the telephone picture from our website, but at least have the courtesy to download the image, and upload it to yours rather than pulling it directly from our server.
Jason Russo
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