Last weekend Byron was out of town so I decided to make an attempt at being a fun mom. So me and the boys went and bought pumpkins and a pumpkin carving kit(I highly recommend this if you are considering this activity). First, we had to dig out the insides. Now when I say "we" I mean me. Zac tried but his pumpkin was a little big and he tired quickly. I had sent Max upstairs to get into his pajamas before the festivities began and I had gotten his pumpkin completely hollow before he emerged from his room (he always seems to have impeccable timing). Then "we" got on the internet and found templates for our pumpkins. "We" then traced them onto the pumpkins. After that "we" got to use this cool battery powered mini saw to carve it out. This made it so easy that I wasn't even in a bad mood by the time the said pumpkin carving activity was over. Which made my attempt at being a fun mom even more convincing. At last we put them on the porch with a candle in it. Which "we" proceeded to OOHH and AAHH over. Then Max promptly sneaked back outside and blew his out. I figured the wind had blown it out so I relit the candle, only to have Max once again sneak out and blow it out again. I think that was the best part for him. Fun was had by all and at the end of the night Zac asked if we could do this every year. Operation "Fun Mom" accomplished.
As a side note: Sadly the next day Max's pumpkin broke at the edge's, upon which I tried to fix it by sticking sewing pins in it. But unfortunately his pumpkin now looks like a grouchy old man. We might have to go and purchase a new pumpkin in order for him to have cute pumpkin for Halloween.
H- that is the cutest picutre of the boys. I love the "we" story. Isn't that so true when doing activities with the kids. I love the way you tell the story I felt like I was there. Your boys are sooo stinkin cute. I miss them I am excited to see them on Saturday. Give them squishes for me.
I am so glad you did that with the kids. I want to know where you got the knife? It sounds like it made is easier. Are they still holding up? We have to carve ours right before Halloween or they will mold! But with the cold weather up there you may not have the same problem. Way to go, you fun mom you!!!
What a fun Mom you are...but I have always known what a wonderful Mom you are. However, I been at your house, those pumpkins are talking to me! I hope they last one more week.
great party, sorry I couldn't be there. Looks like a good time was had by all. By the way all the kings men, a great read just finished it a while back, ending is classic.
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