This past week Max started soccer for the first time. He seemed really excited for it, and I got a resounding YES when asked if he wanted to do it. So I was a little taken back when we went to our first game. Within the first two minutes he was crying and it didn't stop the entire game. First he cried because he wasn't getting a chance to kick the ball. Then after I told him he had to get back in there and just take the ball, he came out crying again because someone kicked him. Next he cried that the other team was too good. After that he cried that he wasn't good at soccer and he didn't want to play anymore. By the time he came back crying that the game was taking too long I resorted to what I think most parents do, I bribed him. I told him if he would stick it out and not come back crying until the game was over I would take him to a convenient store for a treat. That seemed to work and finally he finished off the game. So off to the convenient store we went, Max to get a treat and me to get a really big Diet Coke to revive me after the game.
WARNING:I feel the need to rant on something I discovered while at the convenient store. So Max had to use the bathroom while there. We went in there and while I was helping him wash his hands I noticed the poster they put in bathroom's on how to wash your hands. Now folks, I have seen these a thousand times in public restrooms but for some reason it finally struck me how odd these are. I mean what is our society coming to that we have to actually put a 20 point instruction on how to wash our hands. I mean is there that much confusion on how to do this act that they have to put these up? Not only that, but for those who these companies are putting them up for, they are obviously lazy and would they take the time to read the instructions? I was a little reassured that they put pictures to show you how to do this, because it did cross my mind that maybe those who don't know how to wash their hands, also may not know how to read. There was also a moment there where I panicked and wondered whether or not I would pass the wash test. I think I do it right but then again I have never had one of these signs in my home to help me check off the step by step actions that are involved in washing my hands. Which then made wonder if I should have one in my home to help my boys wash their hands correctly. I mean what kind of mother would I be if my boys were not capable of doing what every convenient store, fast food, and grocery store employee is not only capable of doing, but required to do! Yes people all of this crossed my mind all within seconds of being in the bathroom with Max. In the end I decided that maybe these were advantageous signs to have in public restrooms, and that I really hoped that the girl handling my precious Diet Coke had in fact checked off all 20 items required to a successful hand washing.
After the treat was purchased (chocolate ding dong's for those of you who were curious) Max was happy and claimed he would be willing to try harder next time at not crying!
I have often wondered who those signs are targeted at. I also am a freak about washing my hands, I once saw this Oprah where they had a hidden camera in a bathroom to see if everyone was washing their hands properly (apparently to show how many of us don't) anyway, now I obsess about saying the alphebet when washing my hands because I just know the one time that I don't wash my hands long enough my hands are going to show up on the Oprah show as the dirty disgusting hands that aren't "really" clean because I didn't know what I was doing!!
Heather you are so funny! After reading your post I don't feel so bad about missing the soccer sign ups. Jared really wanted to do soccer also. So I gathered a few boys his age and met at the park. Jared asked, is this my soccer team? I said it is for today. They kicked around the soccer ball and had a great time. It seems to have fulfilled the need and he does not ask about it anymore!
Baby steps to soccer stardom! Next game: not crying. Game after that: score 15 goals. Game after that: World Cup!
You forgot to mention that his next game, no tears! I think it was a bad day for both of our kids. I'm sure one of them will be the MVP at the end of the season. You just wait!
Your humor is laugh out loud funny. I love reading them to Kim. I wish I had been there just to watch all of this!!
I love the story! I have to say, when my boys decided they didn't want to play soccer anymore I was quite happy. I don't konw anything about it and it seemed like whenever they played it was negative 2 degrees outside. Max will get the hang of it. It takes awhile to figure out what is going on. He is so dang cute though! I loved the pictures.
Heather I love your post! Hurray for soccer, I hope he likes it better next time. About hand washing, have you ever wondered why just employees are required to wash their hands? Do they stop when they are not working? Shouldn't all people be required?
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