I must first preface where this post is coming from. I have been listening to the 80's radio station in my car for the past week and just laughing at the songs I have forgotten about. And then this weekend I rented "Music and Lyrics" and found Hugh Grant in his 80's Pop character to be hilarious. So after that my mind has been running amuck with all things 80's. I must first apologize because this post will be gender biased. Seeing how I grew up in a all girl family I can only reminisce about female 80's pop culture. So if there are any guys out there reading this feel free to comment on any of the male gender 80's culture I am unaware of. Lastly, I make a challenge to all of those reading this post to make a comment on the one thing you think should be brought back from the 80's. So with that being said please join me down memory lane.
First, we start with the fashions of the 80's. My hope is that it never returns but defiantly holds a special place in my heart, and a miserable existence in many of my scrapbooks. Here is my list: Jelly Shoes,

Plastic bags so that you and everyone around could know what was in your purse, Brooches and shoulder pads, tight jeans that you folded over at the ankle to make it "pegged". Of course, to go with those jeans were the double socks usually two different colors(how exactly did our feet fit in our shoes?) For those of you out there who were into Madonna you will remember the florescent ___(you fill in the blank). This next one might have only been a fade in Vegas where I grew up some of you will remember "Units" clothes. The clothes where it could be a shirt or skirt or anything else in between. Banana Republic t-shirts back when they were all about safari(whatever happened to the jeep that was crashed through the display window). For the Preppy crowd there was the polo shirts with the collar pushed up just so. Lastly, one of my favorites-Leg Warmers which were a must in Vegas because we had all sorts of reasons to keep our legs warm.
Second, we move on to the music of the 80's. About the only thing good that came out of the 80's in my opinion. Some of these group might be an after thought from the 70's but still should be recognized. Michael Jackson (who knew he would turn into such a train wreck). Madonna (which my mom refused to spend money on and support her career). Such one hit wonders as Billy Ocean's "Hey, Hey, You, You get into my car", Eddie Murphy's "Party all the time", Lionel Richies "Dancing on the Ceiling", and the Jets "Got a Crush on You". ABBA , The Pointer Sisters, Duran Duran, Debbie Gibson (which I hear is now going by Deborah), Tiffany whom I think is still going by Tiffany, Prince who has gone by all sorts of things but has come full circle back to Prince, and Whitney Houston whom I have seen in concert and would not

recommend. And a honorary mention to Farm Aid's "We Are The World" because it featured all the good, bad, and ugly (Cindy Lauper) artists from the 80's.
Lastly, T.V. and Movies of the 80's. Movies: Pretty in Pink, Some Kind of Wonderful, License to Drive, Sixteen Candles. Okay just to shorten this post I will say anything with Molly Ringwald in it. Girls just Want to have Fun, Goonies, Top Gun (I'll admit it that I only liked that movie for the Volleyball scene and yes I owned the Soundtrack). Better off Dead and anything else with John Cusack. Back to the Future triology. I am sure there are more, but I can't think of them and this post is getting long.
T.V.: Solid Gold (who didn't want to be a Solid Gold dancer), Star Search (Maybe it didn't do as well because they had Ed McMahon and American Idol has Ryan Seacrest. Also, at what point did they take out the Acting competition portion. And how nervous would you have been waiting to see how many stars you got). Eight Is Enough (who didn't love the pyramid they made at the beginning of each episode). Facts of Life, Bosom Buddies, Fantasy Island, and lastly the old Wheel of Fortune. Many of you have heard me rant about how they need to bring back the old format to Wheel of Fortune, you know the one where after they

solve a puzzle they get a chance to buy stuff from the different rooms of the rotating stage. Such items as the porcelain cat, toaster, luggage set, china set, and all the little items once their dollar amount got below $20. I also think Vanna White should start working for her money again and have to actually turn over the letters. Which brings me to my poll question, who thinks they should bring the old Wheel of Fortune.
Well, there you have it my trip down memory lane. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did, and please comment on what you remember about the 80's and what you think they should bring back.
Oh, I love that post!! I once had a fight with Ryan because he said that the 80's produced no good female vocal artist and I simply said, "Hello, Pat Benatar!" I think I won that fight! But, I think one of my favorite things from the 80's would have to be KEDS. I loved mine and they had to be white, white, white. I would dust them with baby powder every morning if they looked dirty because they had to show off my two tone socks and pegged pants. I also loved the PeeChee folders. Do they still make those I loved those.
Oh my gosh I am laughing so hard! It really brought me down memory lane. One thing I loved was the big bangs and the wings. Sometimes lovingly referred to ast the Utah Claw. You would just spray about a gallon of hairspray and rat it as high as you could. Good times, good times. (but I don't want them to bring it back) I loved my kangaroo shoes where you could unzip the side and put your milk money in there. Now someone was really thinking with that one. I could go on for days!
Hate to tell you, H, but the 80s are coming back. Have you seen Lindsay Lohan's wardrobe lately? I remember those banana clips that were like 6 inches long and curved with your head. They made your hair into something of a horse's mane, or maybe a long mohawk--I never could get one to stay in my hair because it was too fine. I think my standard outfit back then was a really big sweatshirt and stirrup pants. And who can forget The Bangles "Walk Like an Egyptian"? That was a good one. Good post today, too.
The 80's were good to me. I loved them. The only problem was that I was in my prime and I didn't even know it! I'm sure I would enjoy them more if we brought the 80's back! The stand up collar...is that out of fashion???
FYI-Jess, they have brought back the Roo's shoes. I saw them in a department store not to long ago. I debated about buying a pair, but couldn't decide if I was too old. You know some clothes should have an age limit the same way spandex should have a weight limit. But then again all things ending in Roo must be good, Kanga or Under. And Amy I thought about the stirrup pants after I posted so thanks for mentioning them. Good call on the Bangles. I must also mention one I remembered last night, I don't know the group but we all know the song"Everybody Wang Chung Tonight." Gotta love it.
I was just a kid, but I can't forget my first white Reebok high top shoes. They would even light up pink when I walked (a true original for the time)! I also loved the movie "Mannequin" until my mom realized we could understand it all.
wow! great blog entry!
gosh, it's been a long time since i "wang chunged"! i need to catch up for lost time!
hey, what about. . .billy idol, tesla, def lepard, journey, eurythmics, erasure, yaz, depeche mode, missing persons, guns n' roses, rick springfield, survivor, robert palmer, blondie, quiet riot, tears for fears, christopher cross, kool & the gang, tina turner, tommy tutone, adam ant, stray cats, soft cell, bow wow wow, boston, foreigner, mr. mister, a flock of seagulls, tiffany, heart, queen, bee gee's, the gap band, cars, sparks, and the j. geils band, just to name a few. . .? :)
ahhh, such good memories!!!
the music in the 80's was definetly my favorite!
the 80's was filled with big hair, big make up, and big music!
gotta love it!
if you could bring anything back from that era, i vote for the music! i can do without the tight legged jeans and shoulder pads. :)
Heather, Everybody Wang Chung Tonight. How can you not know!! It is Wang Chung's greatest hit. Sometimes the most obvious leaves us all blank. (okay, I might of had to google it)!
Okay, so I have to agree with em, I was pretty serious about having brand new looking white KEDS all of the time. Then there was my favorite white t-shirt with flourescent puff paint (of all things) designs all over it. I would further embellish my shirt with a colorful ring that I put on the front corner and pulled through (kind-of like a belt ring). It was awesome. I had some pretty big bangs..those were hard to let go of. I also really loved Alphaville..random??
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